Our Process

Some young people stall or get stuck despite their own and their families’ best efforts. Most of our participants and their parents have already pursued standard mental health treatment and academic support at various points throughout their development.

While these services are enough for many, some young people still struggle with specific concerns that prevent full engagement in life. For that person - there is Springboard Momentum. Our process provides a road map to get back on track and take-off.


Get Unstuck

We begin with a comprehensive evaluation of needs, strengths, and barriers to developing holistic wellness. This provides an opportunity for feedback and awareness raising for all. Parents too can feel their efforts have fallen into a rut and may be sustaining problems rather than bridging a transition to independence. We work to help young adults and families move forward separately and together to create a satisfying future.

Get Ready

Many of the young people we work with have built up a fear of failure. They are ambivalent about moving forward and their chances of success. For that reason, building personal motivation and goal setting are the foundation of our change process. Families too benefit from a solid plan to launch young people into adulthood. Working collaboratively as a team, we map out individual goals and opportunities for parents to support growth and independence.

Take Action

Some young people are ready to move into action quickly, while others find old patterns hard to break. Once the support plan is in place, launch specialists work directly with clients on behavioral activation, tackling uncomfortable situations, and demonstrating how to master challenges. We acknowledge that change is sometimes a “one step forward and one step back” process. We use evidence-based strategies and interventions to assist clients in initiating their first steps toward their long-term goals. Throughout the process, we also provide consistent reinforcement for effort and encourage learning from mistakes. Families receive ongoing consultation and coaching on how to offer constructive support along the way.

Take Off

After skill building and diligent practice, it’s time to take off. Ongoing goal attainment and relapse prevention are the key steps in our final part of the process. We define our success by seeing a young person meet their near-term goals and have a start on the pathway toward their long-term goals. Interactions with Springboard team members become less frequent as young people and families increase their confidence that they can continue to implement strategies on their own.

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